Discovering Your SoulGoals Reveals Your Deepest Desires

Dive Deep With Your Soul to Create a Life of Alignment

Nicole Justine Reid

To live a life of deep nourishment and wellbeing, you must connect to and live from your deepest self—listening, trusting, and following its wisdom.

I imagine you have already felt the difference if it has not been so.

When we disconnect from our souls, we disconnect from ourselves. We lose touch with the very center of our being. And when we are disconnected from ourselves, we lose our power. We give it away. And we keep giving it away—with every decision that comes from outside our own wisdom: The people-pleasing. The social conditioning. The fears that drive us to disown ourselves: Will we belong? Do we matter? Will we be loved?

But if you do not belong to yourself, if you do not believe you matter enough to discover your deepest dreams, your life loses its richness. You keep doing what other people seem to be doing, even if it feels “off” to you.

It’s a life built on “Get the look”, but not the feel. And how you feel—inside your body, your life, the beingness of you—is your true experience of life.

Underneath all the layers, I am guessing it is what you are desiring most. You are searching for the deep stability that comes with being who you truly are. And there is a certain way your soul wants to express itself from that knowingness.

These are your SoulDreams. And when you get super clear on them, when you feel them in the depth your cells, the details start to appear. These are your SoulGoals.

What is a SoulDream?

A SoulDream is a deepest desire of your heart/spirit/soul—the deepest part of you, the touch of the Divine—that you feel drawn towards, that lights you up. It is not mental. It does not come from someone else’s expectations. It comes from deep within; a stirring of your cells that resonate with the very idea of something. It brings a smile to your face or a sense of delight and contentment to your being. It is a yearning, a leaning in. A drawing towards. The key is that it is something you are being led or guided towards by your soul.

What is a SoulGoal?

If a SoulDream is a wisp of an idea, or an overarching desire (“travel”, “write a book”, “build a community”, “teach”), a SoulGoal is a more specific focus of that dream. It narrows the field and guides you in making it specific, so that you can take action towards it or to draw it to you. It gives you focus, a path, a direction to follow.

As you continue to engage deeper and deeper in the process, more and more details are revealed (“travel to Bolivia this spring with my friend Amanda”, “write a book on how to make your dreams come true”, “build a community of poets in my neighborhood”, “teach a class to teenagers at my local community center focused on what is Love and what is not so that they grow up with healthy, fulfilling relationships”).

The journey towards making SoulGoals manifest can take you through an obstacle of growth and fears, peeling away layers of old habits, paradigms, and social conditioning. It can also be fun! And anything in between.

Just because you may come up against an obstacle in your journey towards accomplishing a SoulGoal doesn’t mean that it isn’t one; in fact, it may be even more of one, especially if one of its intentions is to help your soul grow. We grow by facing things and moving through them and realizing our own strength, joy and resilience in the process.

Many decisions in our modern world, from personal life to business, are often made “rationally” or mentally, instead of from the deepest part within us that holds the true wisdom. When you practice living your life in alignment with your soul—by paying attention to the whispers, or shouts, of your heart (the access point of your soul) and following through—you feel a sense of joy and ease that perhaps was missing before.

Because what you are searching for is a deep connection with yourself, and expressing that out into the world. And that is not to be found outside of yourself. It is within.

The Importance of Revealing SoulGoals & The Magic That Unfolds

When you reveal your SoulGoals to yourself, something energetic shifts inside. An alignment begins to take place. There is a truth that has been uncovered.

Honesty with yourself is the best gift you can give yourself. Being true to who you are is the most joyful experience and, oddly, kinda tough at times when you’re up against social forces.

But a SoulGoal gives you aligned direction that comes from within. It is a pinpoint, a focus to move towards that feels right. And it can be a gentle process. If we do not have focus, we can become scattered and dilute our energy, therefore making manifestation more difficult or stalling the process altogether with our confusion.

Goals do not have to be associated with hard, tedious, mental work. They can be joyful focus points, places we want to go to or how we want to be in our lives. And they are ever-developing, because, as souls, we are evolving.

Your soul might say, Hey, I want to write this book. And as you work with your soul and your creative force to do so, it might turn into a series of books, which may then turn into a writing retreat for other writers and suddenly, you have developed a writing community! You never know where a SoulGoal might take you. But if you are willing to listen, your soul will take you to places your small self would never have thought to go.

Spend Time With Your Soul To Discover Your SoulGoals

Spending time with your soul is the way you will strengthen your relationship with yourself—with all dimensions of you. If you rush, rush, rush on autopilot and solely focus on what other people are telling you to do and don’t check in with yourself and keep ignoring your needs, you may be living a life that is getting further and further away from your alignment. You will know by how you feel.

I believe that this is also how some diseases can begin—because we are stressing our systems and going against our inner wisdom. The body is a barometer of our spiritual wellbeing. So, to live a life full of wellbeing and in alignment with your true essence, it is essential to regularly spend time with your soul. To ask it deep questions. To listen to the answer. And then, to follow through on it’s wisdom.

A Process Designed to Help You Deep Dive with Your Soul

Because I needed a process to support me in diving deep with my soul and getting clear on its wishes, I created the SoulGoals Discovery Process. Then I thought, wait! Maybe this could help others, too. And so I made it into a workbook that you can use now to get clear on your SoulGoals and again and again as new ones arise (this is why I designed it as a digital, interactive/pdf-fillable or printable/handwrite-able experience, for longevity).

The SoulGoals Discovery Workbook is an 88-page digital workbook, which guides you gently and lovingly through the SoulGoals Discovery Process to listen to your soul’s wisdom, revealing clarity on your soul’s deepest desires, your overarching life direction, and what to focus on for the year ahead.

In this Workbook, you will be guided to:

  • Design your own Personal Soul Retreat, setting a sacred container to connect with your soul and deeply listen to its wisdom
  • Take a Quiz: Are You Living in Alignment With Your Soul? and be clear on how to deepen your relationship with your soul in specific ways based on your results
  • Reveal clarity on what your soul wants most for you and your life, through specifically designed questions that will guide you through the process
  • Discover and clearly list your Soul-Dreams (overarching themes and desires for your life trajectory)
  • Uncover and clearly list your SoulGoals (more specific, focused versions of your Soul-Dreams that you can take clear action towards)
  • Gain clarity on what to focus on for the Year Ahead including specific elements, timeframes, and milestones for you to focus your energy towards building a life living in deep alignment with who you truly are

To learn more and purchase the SoulGoals Discovery Workbook, go to my shop.

May you and your soul connect deeply and create the life you were always meant to have.

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